Wonder woman?
Well, no golden lasso but capable with a keyboard!

Oodles of non-profit marketing and fundraising experience with a focus on event planning & graphic design.

About Me

Here's Sandra...


I'm unapologetically girly but I can build a fire, paint a house and shovel snow (as needed). With a degree in Communications, and and artist's soul, I  enjoy using technology and craft to tell a story.  Organization is my passion and lists are my daily guide.  Equally as  important, I love people and their unique stories.  Relationships are the backbone of accomplishing goals.  



When I'm not creating events or writing content, I love to craft and spend time with my family.  My son and I recently videotaped a drive along the viaduct to edit and save for posterity.  Family time and creating... as good as it gets!

Skill Set


 A veritable Swiss army knife of skills, I am a communications generalist who can cover the bases on a variety of tasks. 

  • Graphics: Adobe Indesign
  • Event planning and coordination: experienced in contracting with vendors, hotels, and printers.
  • Volunteer management and committee leadership. 
  • Social media
  • Photography
  • Public Speaking

More Information

What People are Saying


  • Again, I am grateful for your openness to an idea not quite within the box as well as your outstanding personal service. It’s a true pleasure in this sort of angry world to see someone who projects such helpfulness and positive energy in doing their job. Thank you again.   Dr. John A. Berrude, retired member, March 2017, via email.

  • You are a great resource for SKCDS. Thank you again.    Dr. Megan Richards, member, November 2012, via email.

  • I appreciate all your help. You are fantastic and get a 5 star rating!   Dr. Jeff Huey, member, March 2015, via email.

  • Thank you for responding so fast.  Dr. Vien Nguyen, member, April 2018, via email.

  • …if everyone else was as fast as you my job would be much easier!   Laura Rohlman, colleague, Washington State Dental Association, January 2013 via email

  • Thank you for all you have done on organizing this outstanding program. Great turn out!  Randy Newquist, colleague, University of Washington, April 2014 via email

  • You are so organized, it’s refreshing.   Lori Saleba, sponsor, Freiheit Architecture, March 2013 via email

  • I wanted to drop a note to tell you how delightful it was to work with you at Dr. Crossley’s lecture… You are the best host that I have ever co-hosted with, as well as providing some wonderful conversation….   Dr. Allan Davis, retired member, July 2014 via email

  • I just wanted to send another thank you for all you do organizing the new dentist socials and for being SO welcoming to student involvement. It is so great to have such a supportive community around us.   Dr. Elizabeth Pascucci Harrington, member, November 2013 via email

  • Congratulations on a very successful Boot Camp. As always it was very well organized and the attendance was a success as well. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into making an event like this successful.   Lori Saleba, sponsor, Freiheit Architecture April 2015, via email.


Contact Me!

Send Message

Do you have questions or comments? I'm available for short term contracts and full-time gigs.   

Send me a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Sandra R. Anderson

(206) 235-7063

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All information on this website is for the use of the owner only and will never be sold or traded. We request that you not borrow or take any images included in this site since they are proprietary.  Thank you for your respect and consideration.